ARISE – Kick of Meeting

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Gemmate Technologies was in Istanbul at the kick-off meeting of the ARISE Horizon Europe  project coordinated by Sabanci University. Within ARISE, the consortium is committed to advancing solid-state battery systems for next-gen EVs.

Find out more here.

SOLiDIFY – Press release

Few weeks ago we had our final review meeting. Now, the partners can announce our highlight results: 1070Wh/L cell with manufacturable process. Gemmate Technologies contributed to acheive the project results working on two branches: (i) a multiscale modeling framework to bridge the gap between detailed microscale simulations and practical cell design, providing valuable insights into the optimization of solid-state cell architectures, and (ii) the environmental impact and sustainability assessment including the definition of end of life scenarios.

Find out the press release issued by imec (Belgium), the SOLiDIFY project coordinator, at the following link.

Public conference – Shaping the future for a safer and lighter automotive industry

REGISTRATIONS OPEN! Save the date on April 4th for the Flexcrash conference: “Shaping the future for a safer and lighter automotive industry”.

A great array of speakers representing will join us to present the latest advancements in lightweight and circular materials to be applied in the automotive sector.

The event will be celebrated in the facilities of the Luleå University of Technology and also streamed online.

Find out more here.

COMSOL Conference 2023

posted in: Energy Storage | 0

Our team will attend the COMSOL Conference 2023 in Munich to give a presentation entitled “Electrochemomechanical simulations of 3D-resolved solid-state lithium-ion battery cells“, a talk about our latest achievements in modelling of solid state battery cells.

New projects – Stay tuned!

posted in: Collaborative Research | 0

2022 bring to an end with a copious number of new ideas and activities. Below a foretaste of the new projects in which we get involved for the next years:

  • Flexcrash – Flexible and hybrid manufacturing of green aluminium to produce tailored adaptive crash-tolerant structures (Flexcrash-project) (LinkedIn)
  • SUINK – SUstainable self-charging power systems developed by INKjet printing (SUINK-project) (LinkedIn)
  • FENICE – Fire resistant Environment-frIendly CompositEs (EIT Raw Materials FENICE )
  • SOREC2 -SOlar Energy to power CO2 REduction towards C2 chemicals for energy storage (CORDIS | European Commission)
  • HEDASupercap – High Energy Density Asymmetric hybrid supercapacitors for applications in consumer goods and electrification (HEDASupercap project)
  • PoSAddive – Power Sheet Additive Manufacturing

We will contribute with our expertise in modelling and design, use case development, business case definition, and LCA and LCC.

More details coming soon!

Transport Research Arena 2022

posted in: Energy Storage | 0

On Wednesday, the SOLiDIFY project will be represented by the coordination group from IMEC at Transport Research Arena 2022 in Lisbon.

The projects’ progress, next steps and goals towards Gen. 4b batteries will be shared in the session dedicated to the LC-BAT-1 Cluster. In particular, during the topical session on Testing, Validation and Simulation, our latest achievements in 3D modelling of solid state battery cell will be shared.